Saturday, March 31, 2012


I didn't just fall off the wagon today... I took a giant, huffing-and-puffing, running leap.

Yesterday I threw my back out while cleaning, so working today in the salon was rough. By hour 7, I'd had enough and was in near tears so I asked my manager if I could leave. I texted my partner that I was leaving and she offered me back rubs if I swung by her job (it's on the other side of the highway from mine). Offer me a back rub and I'm there with bells on.

As I'm walking into the building, she texts me to ask if I want sushi.

Do I even need to answer? Hell yea!

So I, of course, ordered something that was fried, crunchy, had shrimp sauce, etc. As did everyone else, of course.

Guess who wound up eating all of her own roll, plus at LEAST two more rolls? Yea, this guy. I managed that because as people finished THEIR meals, they gave me their leftovers. Who am I to deny deliciously yummy fried goodness in the form of sushi?

I also may or may not have polished off a chocolate bar with the tiniest amount of help from others.

Tomorrow is a new day. Even though Sundays are traditionally treat days (never a cheat, always a treat), I'm going to stick with something healthy. One day of splurging is enough.

Also... tomorrow marks the day when I will write down the measurements and put up my starting photo.

I have to admit... I'm kind of scared shitless.

Friday, March 30, 2012

First Post

Aahhh... a fresh, new blog to start documenting my weight loss journey. Nothing beats the feel of an empty canvas. I fought for a good 30 minutes with some layouts before finally giving up and giving in to Blogger's pre-made template. Einstein said it best, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I guess that can also apply to weight loss. I live in a state where it's ok to be in a bathing suit for 90% of the year. Therefore, I am surrounded by weight loss clinics and fad diets. HCG is the newest fad. Eat 500 calories per day and put 10 drops of this yucky tasting liquid under your tongue! You'll lose weight! Yea, no shit. If ANYONE ate 500 calories a day they'd lose weight really quick! Then what happens when you're done? Do you continue to starve yourself and allow your body to eat away at its own muscle mass? Do you go back to eating like a total fatass and gain all the weight back?

Fad diets don't work, which is why they're such big business. People want success and they want it yesterday, not a year from now. I know I don't want to continue to be at this awful plateau (six weeks, but who's counting?!), but my way is the healthy way to get to the end. It's how I achieved a 45 pound loss last year and how I'll achieve hitting goal this year. I hope, anyway. I don't like to put time restrictions on things.

I'll be digging out the tape measure later to gather some info for here. I also need to figure out how to take a full body self portrait for my "beginning" photo. I'm still working out the kinks as to when I'll update progress photos and measurements. Maybe every week, just to be on the safe side. Even minor changes are momentous!

I love that I'm writing this post while furiously digging into a jar of dark chocolate-infused peanut butter. My, oh, my, do I have a LONG way to go...